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A Word from Our Pastor

Word of the Week: Sorrows

The holiday tune declares, “It’s the most wonderful time of the year!”  Several things lately have reminded me that the tune may be a bit off key.  I spoke with one of our widows recently, and she let me peek into what Christmas looks like when the person who had so enriched your life is no longer here.  And then, one of our members got notice that a loved one was in serious condition just as church began on Sunday.  In our own family, my mother-in-law was having a health crisis of sorts that was on the forefront of my mind before church on Sunday. (Things are stabilizing for Phyllis, but she is facing some major limitations from now on.)

Of course, these things happen to us year round.  But, we are supposed to be happy now, because it’s the most wonderful time of the year!   It’s festive!  Be happy!  We try, but life interferes to remind us that no matter how many pretty lights or presents under the tree, something is terribly wrong.  Creation has gone crazy.  Things aren’t the way they are supposed to be.

The world is majestic, beautiful, inspiring, and broken.  Which brings us back to the first Christmas, the first announcements, the divine conception, and shepherds and angels.  Peace on earth comes to us only through peace with God.  Even in our sorrows there is the coming of the Christ to celebrate.  From our tears we can sing, “Joy to the World”.

Things aren’t going to be fixed right now.  That empty chair remains empty.  Some of our loved ones are suffering.  Some of our relationships are permanently a mess.  But One came for us sinners.  He says, “I am making all things new”(Revelation 21:5).  In Him we have life.  In Him we have hope.  Joy to the world, indeed.


In Him,


Don Ward

Senior Pastor


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