What is mercy ministry?
Every year our Christmas Eve offering is dedicated to the GCC Mercy Fund. This fund is administered by the GCC deacons. When there is a financial need in our local church, this fund is utilized to meet that need. When a need of someone outside our church is brought to our attention, this fund helps as well. Most of those outside requests are first referred to our local partner, Love INC, who assesses the need and gets back to us with a recommendation. In some cases, two or three churches team up to meet a need. What do these needs look like? They can vary from a power bill or a rent check, to a series of marriage counseling sessions. Sometimes the assistance is very small, while in other cases the help can be several thousand dollars. About sixty percent of the funds expended this year went to people inside our church, while the remainder went out to people in our community.
Big year in mercy ministry
This has been our biggest year ever in mercy ministry. The deacons made a determined effort this year to identify and meet needs. I don’t know about everything they’ve done, but I do know about some of the needs they’ve met because I’ve referred concerns to the deacons. Some of our members alerted deacons to concerns they saw, and the deacons reached out to people and met a need. Some members didn’t even ask for help, but others saw the need and got things rolling.
I’m very excited about this ministry in the previous year. God has used this fund to alleviate suffering and relieve burdens. I know of one marriage that still is ongoing because they were able to get badly needed counseling which was far beyond their means. That was a couple outside our church who was referred to me by another pastor. The mercy ministry ensured that they got the high quality counseling that gave them the best opportunity to address their issues. I know of another situation where a Love INC vetted person was kept from being evicted from their home through the GCC mercy ministry. I give thanks to God that our church has been used in these ways. I’m also very thankful for our deacons and their joyous enthusiasm for the ministry of mercy.
How to Give
Of course, if we have deployed the most money in our history, that means that we will want to replenish those funds. Any time of the year any check that has "Mercy Fund" in the memo will go directly to that fund. All of the Christmas Eve offering will go toward that fund. Has the Lord blessed you so that you don’t need to ask for that kind of help? Prayerfully consider how you might be a part of this ministry financially.
Mercy ministry is more than money. I know of one family that is coming alongside a family in our area who has few helpers available. You will see on January 8 and beyond that we are committed as a church to “not existing for ourselves,” and working together as a team to care for needs inside and outside our church. Grab a deacon and let them know of your interest.
In Him,